Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home Mortgage Rates

house The economy needs a bit of stimulation and the feds are lowering down home mortgage rates to get it up and running again. Borrowing money with lowered home mortgage rates has never been this easy or this cheap. So, why not take advantage of this lowered home mortgage rate and get a chance to refinance your home and still save some?

Fixed Rate Home Mortgage Rates

Even though home mortgage rates are low, fixed rate home mortgage rates roughly remain the same. This is due to the fact that fixed rate mortgage rates are based on bond rates and not on fed rates.

For most people, refinancing a home only makes sense if the new home mortgage rate is 2% lower than your current rate. This idea no longer applies in today’s market though, where loan terms are no longer limited to 30-year fixed rate mortgages. Lenders today are offering fixed rate mortgages with 15, 20, or 30 year terms. And if that’s not enough, lowered home mortgage rates can be achieved through five or seven year balloon payments and a wide variety of adjustable rate mortgages.

Adjustable Rate Home Mortgage Rates

Home mortgage rates are sure to be affected more if you have an adjustable rate mortgage. This is because adjustable rate home mortgage rates depend largely on the changes in federal rates. Also, adjustable rate home mortgage rates are short-term interest rates like Treasury bill rates.

If you’re planning to keep your home for only a short period of time, then an adjustable rate mortgage might be the best choice for you. Adjustable rate home mortgage rates are significantly lower than fixed rates, especially during the initial years of the loan term. Lower adjustable rate home mortgage rates means lower monthly payments, making it easy for people to qualify for a loan.

However, if you expect to keep your house for a bit longer, then it is advisable if you look into the market for fixed rate home mortgage rates. Adjustable rate home mortgage rates only work if you stick with it for a short while.

Home Equity Loans

The home mortgage rates for home equity loans follow the prime rate. This means that home mortgage rates of home equity loans are directly affected by the cut backs on fed rates. However, home mortgage rates for home equity loans have always been perceived to be higher than the home mortgage rates of other loan types.

Find a home with the Lowest Home Mortgage Rate

Once you understand the advantages of each type of mortgage – whether a fixed rate or adjustable or a home equity loan, the next step of the process is finding yourself a home. You can find the best homes with the lowest home mortgage rates possible by enlisting the help of a real estate agent. But before you do that though, it is important that you have some basic idea as to what you want your home to be like.

For instance, how big would you like your lawn to be? How many rooms? Do you need that much extra space? Once you’ve answered these questions and a few more, it is time for you to do a little shopping for the best home mortgage rates. For most people, the Internet is the place to start when looking for home mortgage rates.

For more information about home loans and home mortgages go to: http://home-loan-mortgage-refinance.info

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